Couple of talks I really liked

In this post you can find seven talks I really liked in no particular order, most of them development related. I'll explain why I liked them, and why I should recommend watching every single one of them.

Every talks is embedded, but link to a website or youtube is included as well.

Please comment with the talks you think are worth watching.

Gary Bernhardt, 2012

The talk I shared too many times. Gary talks about weird stuff in Ruby and JavaScript. It is witty and educational at the same time. I guarantee it will make you laugh. Only four minutes long, give it a try.


Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel
Dan Abramov, 2015

We all know Dan Abramov and what he has done for the React/JS community. This is the talk that made him famous and he ended up working for Facebook. It is about hot reloading in React, which he made mainstream.

It is best described with a YouTube comment: "All that was missing was the mic drop at the end."


What the heck is the event loop anyway?
Philip Roberts, 2014

Every JavaScript developer should watch this. Philip explained what event loop is, how it works, in a simple language using beautiful examples.


The Early Days of id Software
John Romero, 2016

Wow! This reminded me why I started programming, and how I ended up where I am today. I started with the only one thing in mind - to write games.

Historical talk about couple of kids who wanted to do exactly that. How they started, what they principles were. For those who don't know, id Software is behind Doom, Quake, Commander Keen, Wolfenstein and many more games. Don't get scared because it is almost one hour long, talk itself if about thirty minutes.

It got me thinking about writing games again, and hopefully I will have a blog post about that soon.


Adjusting the Dials in the Circuits of the Human Brain with Deep by Brain Stimulation
Dr Andres Lozan, 2016

I watched this one live at ng-conf 2016, and it blew me away. It has nothing to do with a development, but medicine. How doctors are able to adjust brain functions by applying electricity to a certain parts.

It still sounds like a science fiction to me.


Here's What Happens When an 18 Year Old Buys a Mainframe
Connor Krukosky, 2016

Title is self-explanatory - young enthusiast got his hands on an old mainframe.


Do schools kill creativity
Sir Ken Robinson, 2007

Last, but not the least. This is the most watched TED talk on YouTube. Sir Ken Robinson needs no introduction, and he talks about the school system, and how it may be killing kid's creativity.


Hope you found some of these interesting to watch, and that you learned something new.