2016 was quite a ride. I just want to write a couple of random things, to close this year with one last post.
Work & Co
Big news here, my company became a part of Work & Co. We're really excited about that, and I'm looking forward to the great stuff we are going to build. Our collaboration goes back for a few years now, it was very productive, and this is a great step forward.
My current title is a Technology Director and I'm in charge of a tech team, here in the Belgrade office.
Winter Meetup
We are preparing a new tech meetup, this time a bit bigger one, with four speakers. I'll talk about JavaScript, if it is going in the right direction. About it's problems, misunderstandings, fear and hate that are involved around it. Don't worry, I'll talk about the good parts too.
All of the presentations include:
- Five senses in a business performance - Nikola Pantović
- Go fast with Web Workers - Ivan Nikitović
- Become more professional developer - Saša Ranisavljević
- State of a modern JavaScript development - Stanko Tadić (myself)
It will probably happen on the first Saturday in February of 2017, but I'll post updates with the exact date and venue.
So be sure to come to Work & Co Belgrade Winter Meetup.
Few articles I want to share
I rarely find articles that I think are really worth sharing. But there are two that I like a lot.
The first one is a cliche in the startup world,. In case you haven't read it yet, and you are interested in making a startup, please do.
The second one, unfortunately, is not online anymore, but I found it cached, and made a gist copy of it. It is written by a colleague Serbian, here in Belgrade. He really puts some light on how startup scene is totally different here, and in The valley and western world. To me, it was really an eye opener when I first read it.
I hope original author won't mind I shared it. Here are links to the original blog, and the cached version.
Pet projects
I really enjoy these, and I will continue sharing small projects and libraries, with a hope that community finds them useful. Feel free to check my GitHub account.
This blog will get updated, hopefully a bit more often. Btw, this blog is also open source and powered by Jekyll + Travis + Github Pages.
Other than that I hope to roll out a one or two small mvp products.
See you next year
This is probably it for this year, it was exhausting, but fun year for me. Now, I took some days off, to get prepared for the new chapter the 2017 will bring.
Cheers, and happy holidays!